Momonga Linux Documents

What's New


How to use fluxbox

How to use fluxbox, light window manager with tab function.

How to use golem

How to use golem, light and simple window manager.


How to Use Floppy Disks and CD-ROMs

This chapter explains how to use floppy disks and CD-ROMs.


OmoiKondara (A.K.A OmoKon) is Momonga Linux's package development tool created for easier and more efficient package production.


Guidelines and Instructions for writing a Momonga-linux document.


This document is to explain the rules of conduct and manners to participate as member in the Momonga Project.


Momonga Software Guideline Ver. 1.0

This document contains important information on distributing and licensing issues of Momonga Linux. By using or redistributing Momonga Linux, you agree to all of the described terms and conditions.

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